Thursday, December 8, 2011

Back From Beyond!

For many moons I have been working in the nonfiction world -- writing and editing a magazine aimed at small business owners. A literary agent from my distant past contacted me to ask if I would be interested in placing my backlist of published books with Amazon. Duh. Yes! So, thanks to this wheeling and dealing agent, my books will be offered for downloading and I might reach new readers! Also, I wrote a novella to go along with the backlist that, I believe, will also be offered on Amazon.

I am now energized again to write fiction and I'm slaving away on a series (hopefully) with a paranormal/detective plot.

Writing is hard, folks. Whether it is writing for magazines or a whole big book, it is sweating bullets. I have known I was meant to be a writer since I was a kid, but the idea really took root because of an English teacher named Mrs. Ragsdale. She died this year and I read her obituary in the newspaper with tears in my eyes. She had inspired many, many people and was well loved and appreciated. She asked me to enroll in the journalism class in high school and work on the newspaper. I did and I was hooked. I knew I would become a reporter and that I would write novels on the side.

Just like that. And I did.

It is wonderful to have a goal.

My next one is to finish my paranormal detective book and try my hand again at succeeding in the world of fiction.
Fingers (and eyes) crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Good post, Debby. Writing is hard. And it's a lonely job, so it takes lots of grit to keep after it. But I'm so glad your are now also writing fiction. You create wonderful stories and characters and I can hardly wait to read your next one.

    God bless Mrs. Ragsdale.
